Senin, 28 Maret 2011

Danger to the Cast Drum

crowded mass media reported, drummer of rock group Genesis, Phil Collins (60), will retire from the music career that endured more than 40 years due to health problems. British-born musician is experiencing ear problems, bone dislocations, and damage to nerves in the arm.
For the musician, hearing is a priceless treasure. On the other hand, there is the potential for hearing loss due to high intensity sound of musical instruments being played.
Marshall Chasin Based on studies of the Centre for Human Performance and Health, Canada, intensity (loud) sound of the bass drum can reach 106 decibels (dB).
Professor of Pathology Ear, Nose, and Throat Faculty of Medicine, University of Indonesia Endang Bashiruddin Jenny explained, sounds safer for the ear is the intensity of 85 dB in 8 hours per working day or 40 hours per week based on the guidelines Occupational Safety Health Association (OSHA).