Senin, 28 Maret 2011

Danger to the Cast Drum

crowded mass media reported, drummer of rock group Genesis, Phil Collins (60), will retire from the music career that endured more than 40 years due to health problems. British-born musician is experiencing ear problems, bone dislocations, and damage to nerves in the arm.
For the musician, hearing is a priceless treasure. On the other hand, there is the potential for hearing loss due to high intensity sound of musical instruments being played.
Marshall Chasin Based on studies of the Centre for Human Performance and Health, Canada, intensity (loud) sound of the bass drum can reach 106 decibels (dB).
Professor of Pathology Ear, Nose, and Throat Faculty of Medicine, University of Indonesia Endang Bashiruddin Jenny explained, sounds safer for the ear is the intensity of 85 dB in 8 hours per working day or 40 hours per week based on the guidelines Occupational Safety Health Association (OSHA).

Law "three" can be used as a guide. That is, every addition of three decibels, safe exposure time shorter. For example, a person is safe if exposed to 85 dB in 8 hours, 88 dB within 4 hours, 91 dB in 2 hours, 94 dB in 1 hour, 97 dB in 30 minutes, 100 dB within 15 minutes, and so on If not met, can damage hearing. "Balinese gamelan is very energetic and loud sound of his music ever studied. Apparently, they have a hearing loss, "said Jenny.
The process of hearing begins with the sound waves captured by the ear leaf. The sound transmitted to the ear canal and vibrate the ear drum (tympanic membrane). Pulsate hearing bones (hammer, grounding, and stirrup) in the middle ear vibrate the fluid in the cochlea (cochlear) in the inner ear. Vibration then forwarded to the auditory nerve (auditory nerve) and delivered to the brain for interpretation. That's when we know the sound is heard.
The sound is too loud will damage the hair cells in the cochlea. "If there continues, the more severe hearing loss and difficult to repair," he said.
Jenny said, hearing loss due to noise, known as noise induced hearing loss (NIHL), is one of preventable hearing loss.
Drum players or people who work in noisy environments can use earplugs to reduce the sound intensity.
Keeping organ motion
Given the activity-laden music are the movement, drummer also need to be aware of disturbances in the organs of motion.
Darmawan neurologist Muljono, representing the team of doctors from Ramsay's Premier Spine Center Hospital Bintaro, mentioning, spinal cord injury at the drummer is closely related to body movement. Besides Darmawan, Spine Center physician team consisting of orthopedic surgeons Gatham Lutfi, Peni Kusumastuti expert medical rehabilitation, a neurologist Tuti Suwirno Zacharia, and radiologists Riris Himawati.
Activities that exceed the capabilities, such as lifting heavy loads or shock, can cause limb damage. Injury can also occur unconsciously, but repeatedly in the long term (minimum accumulative repetitive injury) and overuse (over-use injury). Drummer at risk of injury because there was no supporting drumming his arms so that most likely arise in the neck and neck disorders.
The neck is often injured, such as damage to bones, joints, and connective tissue. Disturbance that would interfere with the nervous system. There is pain in the neck, headache, and tingling that spread to the arm. If sustained, there pengisutan muscles, muscle weakness and eventually paralysis.
Another risk is that a nervous breakdown or nervous arm the hand joints.Clamping occurs nerves in the hand joints tunnel due to inflammation caused by injury. Arising pain, tingling, numbness in fingers and palms and backs of your hands, trouble grasping, over time mengisut muscle, and muscle weakness fingers.
Joints and muscles can also arm injury, such as bracelets shoulder joints, elbow joints, hands, and fingers. The injured joint or muscle pain and movement will be limited.
In order to reduce the risk of injury, warm up exercises in the form of stretching the waist, neck, bracelet shoulders, arms, elbows, hands, and fingers are very important. The imposition of a gradual movement to condition the face of all postures and activities will be very helpful. Should excessive activity avoided by resting after a few performances.
"A good posture to prevent injury during activity. Location of seating with musical instruments should be regulated to avoid mistakes posture. The size of the drum beater bars need to be adjusted to the size of hand, "says Darmawan.
In the event of injury, musicians are advised to stop temporarily to prevent further damage. The injured area is compressed ice for 7-10 minutes and rested the next 24-48 hours while doing light exercises, without any charge.Anti-inflammatory drug can be taken to alleviate the complaints.
If the complaint is not reduced, the best step is to see her doctor. State of chronic (long-standing injury) is usually more difficult to handle. Generally, do actions such as heating physiotherapy, ultrasound, electrical stimulation to increase blood flow to the area involved, along with stretching exercises mobilization of the joints or muscles are injured, so be flexible and strong.Recovery depends on the severity of the disorder, a new process or the length, as well as the underlying cause damage.
Darmawan said, prevention and early treatment remain the most important.If health remains excellent, even long-lasting musical career intact.

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